What is Functional Lab Testing?
Functional lab tests are different from blood work. Your body will pull minerals from deep within the tissues to balance your blood. This means that your blood work can look normal but you do not feel well. These lab tests can pick up on that. Functional labs will test for different things than regular doctors do. If you are not getting the answers you are seeking for your health, these tests may help.
Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis (HTMA)
This is one of my favorite labs to run and one of the most economical and non-invasive. HTMA can give insight into metabolism, thyroid function, adrenal function, nervous system health, blood sugar imbalance, liver health, metal toxicity, stress, trauma, personality, and more! Many times you can see elevated levels of heavy metals being excreted. These can lead to symptoms such as brain fog, shakiness, tremors, ringing in the ears, and many more.
Collection method: Hair sample
Hair samples can be taken at home or I provide in-office samples.
Hormone and Thyroid
Do you suffer from unexplained weight gain, mood imbalances, brain fog, puffiness, thinning hair, or low libido? This test looks at your hormones (estrogen, progesterone, testosterone, and DHEA), cortisol levels throughout the day (4 times), thyroid panel (TSH, Free T4, Total T4, Free T3, TPOab), Insulin levels and Hemoglobin A1c, and Vitamin D level.
Collection method: Saliva and finger prick and blood spot card
Food Sensitivity
This test can tell which food may be causing you inflammation and sensitivity. It looks at the IgG response to 190 different foods. This is different from an IgE response that are foods that cause an allergic response such as hives, swelling and anaphylaxis. Foods that cause an IgG reaction can cause a delayed inflammatory response up to 72 hours later. This can make it hard to determine which food may be causing you problems.
Collection method: Finger prick and blood spot card

Bacteria and Parasite
If you experience ongoing digestive or gastrointestinal issues like abdominal cramps, diarrhea or constipation, bloating, gas, headaches, nausea, or vomiting, this is the test for you. It can identify H Pylori, parasites, and bacteria that could be causing your symptoms. You can even have too much of good bacteria! Most GI stool tests only look at a sample from one stool collection. This test takes samples from 3 different stools collections. Sometimes a sample from one stool will not catch something. The OAT can also identify gut imbalance markers.
Collection method: Stool Sample
Digestion Imbalances
This test assesses the overall state of your digestion, microbial balance, and gut health along with neurotransmitters (serotonin and dopamine), mitochondrial health and vitamins. . If you are someone who has fatigue, inflammation/joint pain, skin rashes, or mood imbalances this is a great test for you. It can also evaluate oxalate levels if you struggle with kidney stones.
Collection method: Urine sample
The test is mailed and collected at your home. Includes shipping costs back to the lab.

The Big Five
Each of these labs offers a unique perspective of assessing the body and how certain underlying imbalances may be holding you back from achieving your optimal level of health and vitality! By running the 5 Functional Medicine lab tests listed below you will have the ability to actually discover what your deficiencies and toxicities are. From there you can then begin to build your body back up while ridding it of the toxins that are making you feel sluggish and at less than your best.
Collection method: Urine sample, hair sample, finger prick and blood spot card, and saliva.